Megantereon inexpectatus, saber-toothed cat skull

Megantereon inexpectatus

Saber-tooth Cat Skull

Megantereon was a genus of prehistoric saber-toothed cat that lived in North America, Eurasia, and Africa. It may have been the ancestor of Smilodon. Megantereon was built like a large modern jaguar, but somewhat heavier. It had stocky forelimbs with the lower half of these forelimbs lion-sized. It had large neck muscles designed to deliver a powerful shearing bite. The elongated upper canines were protected by flanges at the mandible. The largest specimens, had an estimated body weight of 200–330 pounds.

Location: China Age: Late Miocene, 6 MYA


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Megantereon inexpectatus, saber-toothed cat skull 

10.25 inches long
Item 1833 

Category: Replicas
Type: Skulls
Phylum: Vertebrates
Class: Mammals


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Megantereon inexpectatus, saber-toothed cat skull

Megantereon inexpectatus, saber-toothed cat skull

Megantereon inexpectatus, saber-toothed cat skull

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